Advisory Broadband Committee
Meeting Schedule
The Committee meets at the call of the Chair, when there is business to attend to. To be notified of upcoming meetings, please send an email to AlsteadBroadbandChair@gmail.com.
Committee Members
Updates from the Broadband Committee Chair
March 2024 (CHART UPDATED 3/23/2024)
The first wave of workers are putting up fiber with amazing speed. A big Thank You to all of them and all of you residents for being patient and safe while the work happens along our roads.
As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
Talk Soon!
Gordon Kemp, chair
Alstead Broadband Committee
Alstead, NH 03602
A few notes about the update chart, update map, and preordering.
1) You will notice that this work crosses town borders. While doing the work in Alstead, Consolidated is also using private funding to expand its network in the area. The way their system is built isn't affected by town borders. It makes more sense for them to build out entire sections of their network at the same time.
2) The map is used as a visual aid to connect End User Locations and it doesn’t exactly show where the fiber is going, but for the town instance we are using it to show a general area of where each Fiber Distribution Hut location is so everyone has a general idea of where on the schedule each portion of town is on the build plan.
3) If you are considering signing up for service, you should Preorder at
https://www.fidiumfiber.com/fiber-internet-Alstead-nh This verifies that service will be available at your location, gets you on the list to have a drop run to your house, but does NOT mean you are obligated to actually purchase service if you change your mind. If you get an error message when signing up for preorder, please let me know and I will work with Consolidated to fix the issue.
Past and Present
Committee Members
James Howard
Allan Kauders
Mark Mastrocinque
Hollie Kemp
JoAnn Lemieux
Joe Levesque
Joel McCarty
Ben Duffy-Howard
Anne Cartwright
William Johnson
Steve Stocki
The Alstead Broadband Committee was established as an advisory committee to the Alstead Select Board, to investigate and recommend solutions that provide access to broadband internet service for citizens of Alstead in areas currently lacking such service.
Develop a viable broadband solution for the underserved portions of Town.

February 2024
It's happening! We had our community informational meeting on January 30. I'm including the slides from that presentation below. On the day of the meeting, we noticed workers showing up in town. As I write this, we have been descended upon by an army of trucks and massive spools of fiber. We will be receiving updates every two weeks now, and I will post them on this page. Please remember to be careful around the workers. Give them space and a smile!
May 2023
We've received official notice from Consolidated Communications that they will be building a fiber internet network in Alstead! They have confirmed all the details in my last update about funding. There will be no cost to the Town for the network build. Within the next few months, there will be an informational meeting hosted here in Town so that everyone can learn more about the project and ask any questions. I'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as possible when that meeting is scheduled.
March 2023
It's been a long few years working on the problem of getting reliable broadband internet service to everyone in Town, but our efforts have paid off.
On February 22, 2023 the NH Governor and Executive Council approved a $40,000,000 contract with Consolidated Communications to provide fiber broadband connections to thousands of unserved/underserved locations throughout New Hampshire, and Alstead is included in that contract!
I'm attaching more information, and here's a link to a news article discussing the plan: click here (please note that this article is from before the vote)
It's also important to note that while the number of locations listed for Alstead is 368, that only represents our unserved/underserved locations. CCI plans to use their own funds to build out the rest of Town, so everyone will have access to the fiber network. There will be no cost to the Town, there will be no bond issued or any type of debt. The project will be funded through federal grants and private investment from CCI.
I want to thank all of our past and present Broadband Committee members (listed at left) for putting in the effort over the last few years. It's not a coincidence that Alstead is one of only 3 Towns in Cheshire County to be included in this plan in a major way. All of the work to gather data, stay informed, and communicate with providers and state officials has landed us in this position. Job well done team!
I will keep everyone updated as I find out more information about how the process will take place and what the timeline will look like. Feel free to reach out with any questions/concerns.